Global eCommerce 101 - Payments
Online ecommerce demystified
The global ecommerce market is projected to hit $2 trillion in 2017. With significant growth in cross-border ecommerce — 20 percent, as compared to 9 percent growth for domestic ecommerce — there is no question that entering those international markets is the path to retail success.
The Getting to Global Initiative (GtG) is a transformational public/private partnership that brings together industry experts, business leaders and government officials to empower small- and medium-sized companies to sell more online, overseas. We have brought experts together to teach you the fundamentals of global ecommerce.
Getting to Global
This Course is Brought to you by CITD
What do I need to know about accepting payments from my global customers?
Methods of Payment
QUIZ: Do you know your payment options?
What are the major points for friction for customers?
How do my customers prefer to pay in other countries?
What are the differences between local and cross-border processing?
What are setup options for global processing?
How do I minimize currency conversion and foreign rate charges for my customers and minimize my risks?
Can my fraud strategy be the same in all markets?
INDUSTRY INTERVIEW: Minimizing currency conversion charges
Test Your Knowledge
Worldpay Global Payments Report 2016
Adyen - Global eCommerce Payments Guide
Methods of Payment
Managing Currency Risk
Understanding Cross-border Fees
eFulfillment Service
iGlobalStores explain payments and check-out counter issues for cross-border sales